Dear bloggers,
Hey! Today was a boring day! School ends with Madam Nita's period. We had a Friction Experiment. Oily and kinda fun....Anyways that's not the story that i want to tell you bloggers...I'm gonna tell you about my other best friend,Miss Mango(Shaiyla)! Shakir brought a pamplet about a competition or something and he wants to show it to the guru besar. Before recess, he showed it to the guru besar and he announced that all of us can enter but we have to pay RM20. Okay,I'm fine with that. Suddenly, after recess, I think it was science period and guru besar called Dinah,Vanessa,Shakir,Imran and Luqman. Then, Madam Nita asked us to pack up our things coz it was almost 1pm. I packed up my things and went to Shaiyla's place to ask her about the PIBG thing. She looked kinda sad and dissapointed. I asked why and that's where it started. She started by saying I hate guru besar. It was about the competition program or sumthing. She wanted to go but she was not chosen even me! But I'm ok. Well,she's not. I told her maybe guru besar wants to see them about sumthing else and she said that she's sure its about the program thinggy. When we were gonna line up outside,Vanessa,Shakir,Dinah,Luqman and Imran are back. You know what?! It is about the program thing and they were the chosen ones...Shaiyla said to me "I told you so" She was like so mad and said :Its not fair! Guru besar only takes the people that are in drama,and dinah coz dinah's mum is in PIBG, luqman coz he's an olahraga.Oother people also want to go! I also want my testimonial to be long at least 3.....Sry bloggers,I don't want to continue anymore.(too much drama)
lots of love,
Miss Zetie
Contoh Soa Deret Aritmatika
3 years ago
ya i agree wif shaiyla
ReplyDeleteshe ju choose people that wakil skolah
no fair!!!
let another people also plz!