Another one? Just great! Today Dhivya told me her feelings about the same topic be4 (competition thinggy) But the good news was her story is not dramatic like Miss Mango.She just said Its not fair! I just said mmmm.....I don't know what to say coz I don't really care bout that thing. Anyways, we got PJ today. As usual boys will play football and girls ( new game) play baseball. I hit twice! I'm doing some research 4 the nickelodeon 'The Big Green Help' writing essay competition. If I win this I get to go 2 Korea and maybe, just maybe I get to meet my cousin! Fariq a.k.a abg ngah......Miss him lots. BTW, the team that I was in 4 baseball lost! 100 - 50 Thats all 4 today...
lots of love,
miss zetie
Contoh Soa Deret Aritmatika
3 years ago
huhhhuu our team won :P